2023 Club Events
GREEN OPENS - Saturday 15th April at 2.00pm
The Hailsham Mayor will be in attendance to officially kick-start our Centenary Year – and hopefully the Press will be there too to record the event. The afternoon will consist of a Roll Up to get us all back into the swing of things, followed by a delicious Afternoon Tea. It will be good to see you all as we look forward to our special celebratory season ahead.
EARLY SEASON LUNCH - Friday 28th April at 1pm
To once again be held at the Kings Head, Horsebridge. A fantastic way to get back together after the winter break.
CENTENARY MATCH - Sunday 4th June
More details of this to follow but it will be a great afternoon with an inter-club match and other fun ideas planned.
We’re delighted to have been given the opportunity of welcoming these very special guests to our Club for an afternoon of bowling, followed by a special afternoon tea, with the bar open and music being provided too. It has all the ingredients to be a superb afternoon/evening and we may have another visit from the Press!
CENTENARY QUIZ - Saturday 8th July
How’s your knowledge of the last centenary? With 100 questions covering the last 100 years, this promises to be a really fun-filled evening at the Charles Hunt Centre. The Social Team will be providing nibbles and tea/coffee and there will be a bar open too. More details will be available nearer the time, but start revising now!
Always a great day and will be extra special this year with the Centenary celebrations.
CENTENARY CUP (Aubrey Crowe) FINALS - Saturday 2nd September at 2pm
The final game of this competition, followed by a fish & chip supper. Will it have a nail-biting end or will it be a foregone conclusion? Only time will tell as the season goes on but it will certainly be an exciting and enjoyable afternoon/evening.
FINALS WEEKEND - Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September
Two very exciting days of bowling and a great conclusion to the season. Come and show your support, watch some excellent bowling and see the winners presented with their trophies.
CANDLELIT BOWLS & BBQ - Wednesday 13th September
As we head towards the end of the season this is always a great evening. A BBQ supper, followed by a fun game of bowls in the dark - which is always down to luck more than judgement!
PRESIDENTS CHARITY/FUN DAY - Sunday 23rd September
A brilliant, fun afternoon of bowling and lots more whilst raising plenty of money for the chosen charity.
GREEN CLOSES - Sunday 1st October
A final roll up before we close the club for our winter break.
This will be held at the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club, Eastbourne. A wonderful opportunity for us all to get together to celebrate and reflect on our centenary year. The local group, The Stray Dogs, have been booked to provide the music for us to dance the night away after dinner. Details will be available shortly.