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Hailsham Bowling Club

Opening Day Celebrations

Hailsham Bowling Club's Centenary Season was officially opened by Hailsham Town Councils Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook on Saturday 17th April 2023 and what a beautiful sunny afternoon it was.  Our very sincere thanks go out to the Mayor and his deputy for giving so much of their time, not only to officiate at the event but to talk to members and get wholeheartedly involved with the day’s proceedings, including bowling the first wood to officially declare the green open for our very special year. They then joined the members for afternoon tea which had been laid on by our very own social team and the Mayor even won a prize in the raffle which he drew !!

What a great afternoon was had by all and with many more celebrations lined up, including a visit from the Chelsea Pensioners bowls club, it's going to be a great year!







