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Hailsham Bowling Club

Annual General Meeting 2018

Following the AGM on 21 November, a few notes from the meeting that might be of interest to you.

50 full members and 4 social members attended, 

There was one committee proposal and one proposal put forward by a member.

Committee Proposal 

The management committee are hereby authorised to appoint consultants to prepare and submit the necessary planning and building regulation applications for the proposals to provide additional toilet provision and to extend the clubhouse, and further, subject to the grant of planning approval, to arrange for the construction of the additional ladies’ toilet facilities, all as set out in the details of proposals for building alterations appended to the officers’ reports 

There was further explanation by Dave Morris and some some discussion on this proposal and the ballot produced 47 votes for and 2 against.  The proposal was therefore carried.

Membership Proposal 

That the club should introduce a ' Club Shirt ' as shown to the members during the meeting, which will create  uniformity in our teams which other clubs, in all sports, seem to find such a benefit to unity and pride in the team members.

There was a considerable discussion on this proposal, The proposal was then put to a ballot.  This ballot produced 21 votes for and 29 against (with 2 blank votes).  The revised proposal was therefore defeated.

All of those nominated for the posts of the various officers and others were duly elected, and so the new officers are as follows:

President                              S Carter

Chairperson                          P Smith

Club  Captain                        B Bennett

Ladies’ Secretary                  R Smith

Secretary                               [                   ]

Treasurer                              D Sykes

Fixtures Secretary                 E Jones

Competitions Secretary         W Wheeler

Membership Secretary           F Baker

Buildings Officer                     D Morris

Ladies’ Vice Captain               A Pearce

Gentlemen’s Vice Captain       P Baker

Gentlemen’s County Delegate E Jones

Ladies’ County Delegate          K Pease

Health and Safety Officer         [               ]

Welfare Officer                          B McKale

Ladies’ Wednesday League Delegate            C Andrews

Horam League Delegate           E Jones

Safeguarding Officer                  S Pulling

Hon.Auditor                                Alec Wight

Social Committee                       C Downes, C Andrews, S Ellis

Bar Committee                           D Morris, E Jones

You will note that we had no nominations for the post of Secretary or Health and Safety Officer.  So, if anyone is prepared to take on either of these roles please let Pat Smith know as soon as possible.











